Shopping In Williamsburg

When we started planning for our bed and breakfast, we decided that one of the events we would like to offer is Afternoon Tea Parties for ladies groups or young girls. For the ladies groups we will offer a four course tea with an assortment of teas to choose from. One of the courses will be Scones with homemade jams, curds and cream.

Maple and Oatmeal Scones

Cheddar and Thyme Scones

As we prepare for opening, I am always looking for items that we will need. Today, I was in Williamsburg and stopped by the Williamsburg Antique Mall. It is a warehouse of booths with so many antiques that it would take a day just to see it all. In my search today, I came across three cups that I am adding to our serve for our Afternoon Teas.

Yellow, white and gold tea cup

Blue and white with roses inside the cup and on the center of the plate.

Blue and white English tea cup

20 thoughts on “Shopping In Williamsburg

  1. judithatwood says:

    It’s getting late, and I’ve written and erased this twice. Third time’s the charm! Welcome to I’m glad you joined us. If you’d like, please find my Friends page, and tell us all a little about you, your blog, (which is very lovely, by the way,) and of course, your Bed and Breakfast. I’m really happy you’ve signed on — welcome!!

  2. Lisa at fLVE says:

    Beautiful teacups.

  3. There are so many beautiful recipes and tea cups to match – agreat idea which is sure to be a success 😀

    Choc Chip Uru

  4. becca givens says:

    I absolutely LOVE afternoon tea … of course, my favorite are the scones, lemon curd and Devonshire cream along with a wonderfully fragrant hot cup of tea on pretty china.

  5. Those tea-cups are just g-orgeous!! I’d love to come and “play ladies” for afternoon tea. It’s just a bit far from Australia!!

  6. We love Williamsburg. Went there just before Christmas 2010 and it was a real delight. I’ll be posting an article I wrote about experiencing CW in Winter soon. Hope you’ll stop by and take a look.

    Looking forward to reading more on your adventures. Cheers, Rita

    • We love Williamsburg too! It is a great place to go and relax. But believe it or not, we have never been there during Christmas! So I will be looking forward to seeing your article! Thank you for stopping by ours!

  7. gemmafottles says:

    I absolutely LOVE those tea cups. If I ever find myself in your neck of the woods I’ll definitely b stopping by for afternoon tea.

  8. I already want a Scone. My wife would love using the fine china cups saucers.

  9. bucketdave says:

    Those maple and oatmeal scones look delicious!

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